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[ASTRO] Re: tour, strange, FF7 etc

.. begin astro-transmission

> > A "carrace" is a car race.  Give Andreas a break, he's one of 
> > them you're-a-peeins.
> Exactly, a "carrace" is a "car race". I am fast on the "D" key (means:
> delete the mail, those also unsing pine mailing prog will know), but I may
> have difficulties with the spacekeymaybeornotseemsso...
> Michael, what do you mean with "you´re-a-peeins"? I don´t get it. 
> Bye
> Andreas

Sorry. More confusing Americanisms.  It's a juvenile play on words.
In America, to "pee" is to urinate.  "peein", would represent a
particular pronunciation of "peeing".  This would be a pronunciation
typical of the southern regions of the continental U.S., which is
where MOA crash landed and assumed quasi-human identities.  Also
particular to southern/rural regions of the U.S. is the usage of
"a" to mean "are".

So to summarise our slang linguistics lesson thus far, a stereotypical
American from a southern state such as Alabama or Texas might say
"You're a peein", which is a way of saying "You are urinating".

Well, "You're a peein" sounds a little like "European".

For example, in an episode of "Beavis and Butthead", the prototypical
American teenager Beavis heard the word "European" and replied:

	"heh heh heh, You're a peein, I'm a peein, everybody's peein."

Sorry about the confusion.  But then again, your confusion kind of
made the slight joke a little more funny.

As you can see, I really wanted to be a linguistic anthropoligist, 
but I ended up a farm worker then a factory worker then a programmer
and now some kind of executive or something.  Strange, huh?

Well, I _really_ still just want to be in a band, but fat chance
without any talent.


P.S.  I'm using "pine" even as we speak.

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