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[ASTRO] Re: CD vs. Vynil..........................................

.. begin astro-transmission

On Sun, 7 Sep 1997, Annalisa Oswald wrote:

> .. begin astro-transmission
> This argument has been going around for years, ever since CD's were
> introduced. Perhaps I can give my .02 here (bear with me):
> The thing about vinyl is that because of the nature of the record pressing,
> the needle stays in contact with the record and there are no "gaps" in the
> sound, so to speak. This provides a nice, rich, warm tone that CD's simply
> do not have. CD's use binary code. The way that this works is, there are
> little holes in the CD and flat parts that make up the 0's and 1's and as
> the laser passes over them, the combinations generate music. The reason
> that CD's often sound flat is because of the slight gap between these 0's
> and 1's. There's a faction of time where there is no sound. It's so small,
> but it really is noticeable overall.
> That's all.
> Now, ask me about particle physics. ;)
> xoxo,
> annalisa

Oh my oh my...  Thank you.  It isn't often I get to laugh so hard it
brings tears to my eyes.  I just love it when people who have no
clue about a particular technology try to explain it.  It is especially
quaint when they think they really know.

I'm not just saying this to be cruel, although that is a factor.  I'm
saying this to make sure y'all understand that this ain't how it
works.  Not even close.  Yeah, there are pits flat parts representing
"1"s and "0"s but the factual data stops dead right there.

A reasonably complete and factual description of how CDs work is a little
more than I want to tackle at the moment.  And I'm guessing most of
you don't really want to see it on the list.  I'll try to find one
somewhere on the web and post the URL to this list if/when I do.

There are advantages and disadvantages of both media.  Annalisa mentioned
(in the part I wish I hadn't snipped now) that some stuff sounds good
on CD and some stuff sounds good on LP.  This is far and away more
because of the quality of the work done in the recording and mastering
than it is due to characteristics of the media.  Many older albums
that have already been released on CD are now being re-released in
"remastered" editions.  This is for a good reason.  Many of the earlier
CDs were poorly mastered, using EQ settings that sound good on vinyl
but sound "harsh" on CD.   The first two or three ASTRO-discs sound
better on vinyl because that is the medium for which they were recorded
and mixed.

Both media are perfectly wonderful ways to listen to music.  
It is the music that really matters.

Say, so when is our lesson on particle physics?


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