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[ASTRO] Re: I am the new Number Two

.. begin astro-transmission [V-300zX1Z4-0BX600]

That's the cutest, and darn near funniest, astro-tale I have ever read
on this list.    Plus, your subject line refers to my second most
favorite TV show ever.

Thank you,


On Tue, 25 May 1999 Tobemacapa@aol.com wrote:

> .. begin astro-transmission [V-300zX1Z4-0BX600]
> Hey all. I don't usually write on these lists since, er, I usually don't 
> subscribe to these lists. Anyhoo, I was glad to have made it to an excellent 
> 9:30 Moam show.  Me and my friend basically spent the night bopping around 
> like one of plastic things in a Whack-A-Mole game, and grinning like the 
> alien does when it finally gets to feel up Sigourney Weaver - you get the 
> idea. In the morning, we ditched our Greyhound plans for the basic motorcar 
> instead in pursuit of the New York show. Smelling of stale brownies and sick, 
> we departed to a nearby KFC/Taco Bell hybrid overtaken by Star Wars 
> merchandising and the notion, by the giant utopian wall murals, that the 
> world would be a better place if everyone ate this stuff, where we squandered 
> five bucks on KFC/Taco Bell Happy Meals, trying to buy Coco a Jar Jar Binks 
> water squirter. (Hey, c'mon, the guy sets his head on fire.) Squirter aquired 
> (and later left stupidly behind in the backseat of our car, I might add) we 
> took off onto 1-95 heading for the Big Shit, visions of yummy Tesla coils 
> swimming through our fuzzy heads, when a large, familiar-looking white van 
> and trailer bearing the words "ASTRO TECHNOLOGIES," hykeebahed past us at 
> about 75, leaving a trail of sweaty space suit smell in its wake. 
>     "Whoa," my friend managed. 
>     "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" I screeched at the top of my worn lungs. "GO 
> FASTER!!! GO FASTER!!!!!" 
> 	And I, a girl who lost her sense of balance at around, oh, puberty, 
> rolled down her window, stuck fully half her body out of it, and started 
> frantically waving her arms in the general direction of the fleeing 
> earthbound astroship, looking not unlike a panicked carjacking victim, or 
> possibly Ace Ventura. Man, my contacts're filled with gunk now.  
> 	Our plans went sour, for the government needs money to keep its 
> highways crap. We hit the slow-down portion of toll boothland, and despite my 
> WE GET UP TO 90 IT SHOULD STOP MAKING THAT NOISE!!!" the astromen cleverly 
> eluded us. They got into the E-Z Trailpass lane, and we had to join the other 
> fluffheads who were waiting to pay two bucks to a highway system that allows 
> touring vans to get away easily. Still, we were only about three car lengths 
> away. 
> "BIRDSTUFF!!" I started howling at random, perched somewhere atop the car 
> roof. "COCO! ASTRO!!! GUYS!!!!!" and assorted variations on their other 
> names. 
> High-school theater projection could not save me now. We lost them somewhere 
> between Newark and Christina. I'm inviting astro-list criticism, I realize - 
> how on earth could we let ourselves to lose astromen in DELAWARE? 
> My friend later pointed out that we should've honked, or maybe I should've 
> just hopped out of the car and banged on their windows while they were 
> trapped and helpless in the wake of the evil E-Z trailpass booth, but there's 
> no sense in giving a band you like a heart attack. We later found out that 
> Moam don't even have an E-Z trailpass, dammit. 
> We then entered "What's that light on the dashboard that's blinking that's 
> never blinked before?" territory, and gave up on our dying primitive 
> transport, which at least limped into inner city Philly, thank God. But 
> that's a whole 'nother story. 
> Can I add something really dorky? Eric - errr, Trace, sorry - he has the 
> nicest smile. I'll go now. 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Yo spud! This message is from the Astro-List.  To post to the list send
> your message to the list at: astro-list@grantbob.com  To be removed 
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> For more info see: <http://www.grantbob.com/moam/astro.html>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> .. Visit IRC channel #moam on EFnet (http://www.efnet.net/)
> .. end astro-transmission [V-300zX1Z4-0BX600]

Yo spud! This message is from the Astro-List.  To post to the list send
your message to the list at: astro-list@grantbob.com  To be removed 
from the list, please send a message with "UNSUBSCRIBE astro-list"
(no quotes) in the BODY of the message to listserv@grantbob.com
For more info see: <http://www.grantbob.com/moam/astro.html>
.. Visit IRC channel #moam on EFnet (http://www.efnet.net/)
.. end astro-transmission [V-300zX1Z4-0BX600]