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[ASTRO] Re: MP3's

.. begin astro-transmission

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, Adam Millar wrote:

> .. begin astro-transmission
> I downloaded the MP3 player and checked out your sounds Micheal. Very
> Cool! 

Thanks! I wish I had better quality MST3K clips, but my old tapes
were made on a pretty crappy deck.

> Thats some editing job. What did you use to make those anyway??

An old MsWin3.X program called "Wave for Windows" made by Turtle
Beach.  They don't make it anymore, but I think they have equivalent
products.  I love that old program!  I wish there were something
equivalent for my more preferred environments of Linux and Solaris.

> That space ghost song is neat. Do they play that at the end of every
> show, I have never seen it....or MST3K. Nuts!

Most new shows this season have the MOA closing theme.  A couple of
times they've cheated us by continuing dialog or a different musical
number over the credits.  Rumor has it MOA recorded alot of little
music cues and effects, and even an opening theme, but the producers
are being a little stingy about how they use it.  Hopefully as
more new shows come out they'll start using more MOA stuff.

By the way, does anybody out there have a cable company kind enough
to give them Cartoon Network in stereo?  I'd love to have a stereo
version of that MOA closing theme.

> Adam


P.S. Adam, go and rent "Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie", and while
you're there check if any of the Rhino Video releases of earlier episodes
are available for rental.  For purchase, they are a little over-priced.

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