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[ASTRO] Re: I need questions for servotron

.. begin astro-transmission

On Mon, 25 Aug 1997, Ben Goetting wrote:

> .. begin astro-transmission
> I am going to be interviewing servotron in the studio either tomorrow or
> wednesday... I need some questions to ask them. Can you people please post
> some questions you would like to hear answered by servotron.. It would be
> greatly appreciated...
> ya,ya,ya,
> ~Ben

What is the chance of a tour featuring all three, ORI/SRA/MoAM?

Tell them they were super-spiffy at their Portland OR, show,
and I hope they gave Kip the soundman a slow and painful death.

Are there any plans for a live album or video release? 

Will pets be spared or must all living things perish?


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