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[ASTRO] Re: Moshing and stuff...

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> From tjgi@doitnow.com Mon Jun  9 18:36:20 1997
> my friend, though,
> drink in hand, went down straight backwards on his butt.  it was a
> classic laurel-and-hardy move, right flat on his ass.  he broke his
> ankle in the fall (how he broke his ankle and not his ass i don't know),
> but most importantly, he protected his long island iced tea, not only
> not breaking the glass, but not spilling a drop.
> very nicely played.
> -- 
>                                                                 -=+ tj

Ahhh...  the Long Island Iced Tea, by far my favorite cocktail, and
certainly worth breaking a few bones to protect.  Here's a silly
thread to start: what are the favorite cocktails of ASTRO-listees?
Better yet, post recipies for your favorites.  

I'm learning alot about this "moshing" thing, but I'm still confused.
I originally thought it was a fairly generic term for kids acting like
violent idiots, but it appears to have a very specific meaning, although
I'm still not sure what it is.  Apparently it has something to do with
running around in circles.  So crowd surfing is something distinct from
"moshing" and not simply an example of it?   Where does "stage diving"
fit in?  What is a "skanker"?  What is "hardcore/punk dancing"?  
What's it called when they just stand in one place and jump up and
down?  That one's not too bad until their gyros go and they start 
thrusting laterally.

Please educate me, I am old and have only been going to clubs for about
three years now.  It would be nice to know the correct terminology when
I describe how I got my injuries to the emergency room doctor.  Right
now I just say stuff like "some danged kid landed on my head!".


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