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[ASTRO] Re: Art/Dexter X etc.

.. begin astro-transmission [FSB0E327.2.3]

To find those coveted promo items (like the CD advance of the Servotron
album), I guess you'd have to go to a really good used music store.  My friend
lives in Hollywood, so he has a plethora of good stores around him to browse.
The Servotron album was lying fairly ignored on a shelf for a measly $1.99.
He picked it up and gave it to me.  Such a nice boy...

As for The Wolfgang Press album, I haven't been listening to it that much.
But so far, so good... and at 99 cents (and sealed), it's a bargain.

Seeing Servotron on March 26th
Seeing Penn and Teller on March 27th

Latest Music Acquisitions:
Servotron -- Entertainment Program for Humans (Second Variety) *CD Advance!!*
Candy Butchers -- "Live at La Bonbonniere"
Mars Needs Women -- Sparking Ray Gun
Imperial Teen -- Seasick
Moxy Fruvous -- Bargainville
Nymphs -- Nymphs
The Wolfgang Press -- Queer
Various Artists -- Angus Soundrack

Asian Dork Princess,

**Leslie** (the Librarian) 

{E-mail me for a copy of the Nerf Herder FAQ (last updated 2/4), soon to be on
the Official NH site at <A HREF="http://www.coincide.com/nerfherder">
http://coincide.com/nerfherder</A> sometime this century}

Various Shameless Plugs:

ARE-OH-VEE music video program (SoCal areas only... sorry)
Thursday nights / Friday mornings
1:30 a.m. for a half hour
On KDOC (Channel 56, 46, 24.... check your local listings, since it varies)
E-mail:  AreOhVee@aol.com
Request Line:  714-646-6433
Website:  http://www.areohvee.com

Friday, March 20th
The Coach House in Santa Barbara
$6 (Tix on sale at Ticketmaster locations NOW)
8 p.m.
2 drink minimum

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your message to the list at: astro-list@astroman.com  To be removed 
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.. end astro-transmission [FSB0E327.2.3]