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[ASTRO] Re: MOAM on mtv (or anywhere else)

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On Tue, 7 Oct 1997, Daniel Majoros wrote:

> Michael Kepler wrote:
> > This is a capitalist society.  Who isn't neccessarily a "money person"?
> > "The money-people" is a label of derision applied by those who have less
> > to those who have more, and is nothing more than a manifestation of
> > simple envy.  (Hey, am I flame-bait or what?)
> >
> Money-person is a slang term around these parts for the people who make the decisions
> at the studios (they're also known as The Suits). They have accounting and business
> degrees and virtually no interest in or knowledge of the music. They only know (or
> think they know) what will sell. They don't necessarily have the money so much as
> control it. And believe me, I'm far from envious--wouldn't trade my life for
> anybody's.

Aha. I begin to understand.  We have these types even in the uncreative
corner of the software business I inhabit.  I was misinterpreting your
statement as something broader.

> ....  I wish MOA? every success, including stadium tours.
> Ahhh...so you're operating under the assumption that a stadium tour spells
> S-U-C-C-E-S-S. Remember, this is an industry in which the movie E.T. has yet to show a
> profit. 

This is a tactic to cheat people foolish enough to sign profit percentage
deals and dodge the IRS.  Along the way, alot of people make very good

> And the accounting at the music labels is even more satanic than at the film
> studios. I've yet to meet a band that doing the whole MTV, major label distribution,
> world tour thing that walks away at the end of the day with a dime. 

I wonder how "real" this poverty is, or if it is more accounting magic.
I'd bet it depends on who's playing the game and how well they play.

I'm beginning to see how getting involved with the music industry on
a large scale can be corrosive to the integrity of a band.  I still
beleive a band can maintain artistic integrity when it "goes big",
but it sure looks like an uphill battle.  If nothing else, it must
be exhausting to be constantly wheeling and dealing just to keep
from getting ripped off.

> The bands that
> stay more mid-level, regional, or true to a certain "scenes" have much more money and
> control over their fortunes.

I never would have guessed this, but you're making alot of sense.
I ought to read that "a piece of the pie" thing on to MOA? site
again.  It is still a mystery to me how they can cover their costs,
much less make a living beyond that, with these tiny little clubs
and low ticket prices.


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