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[ASTRO] Re: MOAM on mtv (or anywhere else)

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On Tue, 7 Oct 1997, Daniel Majoros wrote:

> What fries my pie is what happens to the live shows in L.A. once the industry gets
> whiff of "the next big thing." A venue that holds 300 people has 250 tickets
> "pre-sold" (read:  given away) to various executives, leaving most of the fans
> standing outside behind the velvet rope. 

Yow!  Sounds like the LA scene sucks.  (Sorry I used the "sucks" word Grant,
but at least it isn't about a band or a person.)

> If you are lucky enough to get into the
> club, you are surrounded by people more intent on being seen then seeing the band.

This, unfortunately, is not limited to the LA elite crowd.  One of the
biggest frustrations I have about the club scene is all of the people
who show up to every show, regardless of any interest or lack thereof in
the band playing, just to be seen acting like idiots.

> Throughout the band's set they stand motionless, except when it's time to chat on
> their cell phones. 

I've seen these types at stadium shows, only seated.  I guess you have to go 
to LA to see them in the clubs.  Then again, if I had my choice between
"The Armani Mummy" and some crowd surfer kicking me in the head, I'd 
probably rather be near the mummy.

> The band understandably either gets depressed or pissed off,
> turns in a mediocre set, and the papers trip over each other printing the "Well,
> they're no Springsteen" story.

I've seen this even with "big name" bands.  There is a video tape available
of The Who playing to a crowd of Undead Suits in LA in 1989.  Pete Townshend
is obviously pissed off throughout the show and even has a few sarcastic
words for the audience that sailed right over their heads.

Worse than that, some artists are compelled by their management to go
to Private Party Hell.  I won tickets to a local radio station's private
party on a boat, and the captive entertainment was the fabulous modern
folkie Suzanne Vega.  It was a thrill to see her up close, but there were
tables of people seated right by the stage with their _backs_ turned to
her, shouting their idle conversation and laughter over the music.

> This is not an exaggeration. It occurs nightly on that cruel place known as SUNSET
> Will this happen to our boys from outer-space???
> This is my fear...this is my nightmare....

I want to say "So what if LA sucks, it isn't the whole world", but maybe
I'm being naive about the influence LA can have on a band's career.

Thank you for a very educational exchange.


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