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[ASTRO] Re: Favorite sound clips

.. begin astro-transmission

I like lots of the clips.  There was a discussion thread about this
awhile ago as well.  It would be great if someone would compile a
comprehensive transcipt of all clips used in MoAM songs, with detailed
attribution of the source.  This would be a good section for the

For starters, lets get a complete transcript out there on the list
and on a web page and then everybody can contribute to sleuthing
out the sources.  Maybe we can have something mostly finished for
Coco to review when they get back from the You're-a-peein' tour.

I volunteer my MoAM/MST3K web site as a home for the web presence
for the quotes transcript (http://www.ipinc.net/~kepler/asr3k.html).
In fact, I have a nearly complete MoAM collection, so I can get started
on the transcribing if I can find the time.  Anybody who wants to
help please feel free to post your _ACCURATE_ transcriptions to
the list and they will be assimilated.  An honest attempt to give
credit to all contributors will be made.


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.. end astro-transmission