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[ASTRO] Re: Art/Dexter X etc.

.. begin astro-transmission [FSB0E327.2.3]

On 3/7/98 10:57 PM ,GenLand18 (GenLand18@aol.com) said:

>Here's what little Ben (Cynot3) had to say about the Art/Dexter stuff:
>Umm.. hayden (dexterX) must have been fuckin' with the guy. Dexter X had
>NOTHING to do with the recording of the Ages 3 and up album.  Dexter X is NOT
>Art. Dexter X was Hank, who left the band after the recording  and release of
>the first 2 demo tapes and first 4 seven inches. He was also on the how much
>more 7" that was released on sympathy. 
>glad to be of service,
>please direct all supernova questions to cynot3@earthlink.net


Thanks for contacting Ben on this issue. I think this is a pretty 
authorative answer.

For those of you that weren't on the list back when Ben was still on it, 
Ben is THE ultimate Supernova fan. He has pretty good contact with them 
and usually seems to know what's going on.


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.. end astro-transmission [FSB0E327.2.3]