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[ASTRO] Re: stupid co-workrs rippin on birdstuff..

.. begin astro-transmission

It is confounding when people fail to appreciate the ASTRO-doods.
I was on the road with my boss and a couple of co-workers and I
brought my best-o-ASTRO cassette with me so I could evangelize.

My boss is a self-proclaimed "audiophile", which means my lowly
ASTRO-tape didn't show off his managerie of woofers and tweeters,
so he dismissed it as "unlistenable sound quality".  (disclaimer:
I'm not a lo-fi activist, just a guy who can listen through the sound
to hear the music.)

During Name of Numbers, an out-of-town manager who was visiting
shouted out "It was a rooooock, lobster!".  Normally, I would consider
this a complimentary reference, but he obviously meant it as a
put-down.  I retreived my tape, and the Boss cranked up his favorite,
Blues Traveller.  Oh well...  (disclaimer: I don't hate Blues Traveller,
in fact I think Hook is one of the cleverest lyrics I have ever heard,
but they just don't compare to the ASTRO-beings.)

Heck, I have an ASTRO-mind-control-immune employee to thank for
my first taste of ASTRO-sounds.  He bought DESTROY ALL ASTROMEN!
on the strength of a recommendation in Wired, that glossy-lossy
cyber culture fashion magazine. He didn't like it, so he _gave_
it to me!  He doesn't work for me anymore, and I wish I could say
I fired him over his lack of ASTRO-appreciation, but the truth is
he quit and I'm still not sure why.  He eventually regained his
senses, especially after I dragged him out to an ASTRO-show, and 
how he's even talking about coming back to work for me again.

I like this thread of trashing our friends and co-workers who are
ASTRO-deficient.  It sure beats trashing each other over trivia.

Birdstuff rocks!


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