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[ASTRO] More Astro-Shows

.. begin astro-transmission [X-HJIKE27.W4]

>Hello Earthlings!
>Weare back now from our European trip, and gearing up to get down to
>business again , here in the US.
>We had a great time, and the live experiments were right on target.
>The introduction of Trace Reading and Blazar the Probe Handler went very
>well, they performed up to Astro-Spec(TM).
>We have a few US shows coming up...this weekend:
>Friday 9/25 Memphis
>Saturday 9/26 Nashville
>Sunday 9/27 Louisville (with the Shipping News)
>I am sorry I dont have the venue info..but I will post that ASAP
>Then two week from now we will be in Chapel Hill, and another show (that I
>will get the info on right away)
>Then we play again on October 31 in Atlanta, on the opneing night of a
>brand new club in East Atlanta (I dont think it has a name yet..but, once
>again..I'll post it asap)
>And we will be doing shows on the 1,2,3,4 up the east coast where we end in
>NYC at Irving Plaza on the 4th at the CMJ convention.
>Then in mid november we are confirmed for 5-7 shows in BRAZIL!
>Then in december we will be doing a one week tour up to chicago and back.
>Meanwhile..we are writing/recording the new full length..which will be out
>in Feb/Mar..upon which we will tour full on again in the US/Europe/Japan.
>So much is happening here at HQ!
>Also..I dont know if the following article got posted yet...Scott Stanton
>of the CausyWay was under instruction to post this email from me while I
>was in Europe...but in the event that he didn't...here is the "Official
>Story" on the Star Crunch / Dexter X phase issue:
>One of the more profound misconceptions concerning man or astro-man? has
>recently been shattered with new information leaked from Astro-laboratories.
>Over the past six years, the planet earth has been introduced  to, and
>grown to accept the presence of a group of extra-terrestrial lifeforms that
>has been opererating as the band Man or Astro-man?  The band has
>infiltrated much of the independent music community, and has established a
>moderate rapport with many earthlings. Now that the initial shock of the
>sheer existence of an extraterrestrial band has, for the most part,
>subsided, and a reasonable mutual comfort level has been reached, we here
>at astro-hq feel it is secure to release one more level of astro-data.
>Of course, when dealing with a phenomenon as complex as an
>intergalactically shipwrecked band of hyper-terrestrials there arises many
>human misconceptions of such an entity. Momentous amounts of confusion and
>misunderstanding are inevitable, yet the vast amount of resources in both
>time and information control necessary to rectify all of these
>incongruities are simply not at our disposal, so only attempts to simply
>clarify parameters that have a direct relevance to human interactions are
>deemed worthwhile of undertaking.
>One such parameter is the common misconception of the quantitative
>structure of the organism known as Man or Astro-man?
>The generally accepted belief that the man or astroman organism is
>constructed of four discrete entities, or individuals, is long overdue for
>The recent research explorations into Cloning technology has, of course,
>expanded the popular view of the initial four member structure to a network
>of both initial members and DNA derivatives, reaching an overall visible
>astro-staff of well over 16 entities.
>The key to further clarification is the deeper investigation into the key
>terms: INITIAL, and VISIBLE.
>For the sake of this explanation, when we speak of the term INITIAL, in
>regards to enitities withiin the structure of man or astroman,...we will
>limit this to include only discrete individuals present at the time of the
>now historical crash landing back in early 1992.
>It is the current popular assumption that there were four specific beings
>that remained functional after the crash...these making up the bulk of the
>current visible members of the band Man or Astro-man.  At this point it is
>neccesary to clarify our other key term VISIBLE.
>At this point we will take a moment to provide a bit of semi-technical
>background concerning Visible Astro vibrations....
>Within the discussion of vibration there lies the issue of phase.
>This issue deals with the relationship between multiple vibrations or
>disturbances and their event location in time.
>For example...the phase relationship of the position of two pure sinewave
>shaped disturnbances in a medium of air (also known as
>pure-sine-soundwaves), is the positioning of any point set on the plot of
>the curve of this wave, equidistant in time displacement by the multiple of
>1 times the wave's frequency, relative to the identical pointset on the
>comparative waveform.
>When these two odd and even points on one wave occur at the same time at
>the same point set on the comparative wave, the wave are said to be IN
>PHASE.  When the given set of odd points occurs at directly the same time
>as the even point set of the other wave, the two waves are said to be 180
>degrees out of phase.  When two waves are out of phase, a destructive
>interference occurs that can actually allow the two waves to completely
>cancel each other out, leaving the listener, or observer with no audible
>This same phenomenon has long been a factor involved with the visible
>aspect of Man or Astroman?
>The same phase issues that are present with sound waves are also found in
>the structure of the light waves responsible for the visible portion of the>spectrum that allows one "to see" Man or Astro-man?
>In recent earthly appearances, at any given time there are usually only
>four individual members of Man or Astro-man? "in phase" with each other,
>this of course, has led to the common misconception of there actually being
>only four members of Man or Astro-man?  A true quantitative analysis of the
>actual numerical structure of Man or Astro-man is not only impossible, but
>also of no interest to those concerned primarily with "Astro-Output".
>The most interesting aspect of the visual phase phenomenon (VPP)
>characteristic of Man or Astro-man? is  the  relationship of any two
>astro-men with regard to their placement in phase.
>No astro-man is uniquely isolated from the rest of the Astro-stucture, and
>this is key.
>In the event that one astro-man is able to actually shift his own
>locationin phase, directly, or indirectly he affects the relative
>positions of all
>the astro-men (except in the anomolous situations concerning Birdstuff and
>the Phase Lock Shield © ).  When an individual phase shift occurs, often
>subtle, yet occasionally dramatic results are evident in the current
>cumulative visual phase structure.
>The end product of a visual phase shift of one or more astro-men can
>potentially make a very large overall change in the quantity, or the
>individual make up of "In phase" astro-men.  When such a shift occurs, it
>is possible for individuals to be completely displaced in the visual
>spectrum, or altogether disappear.
>In the past, there have been some slight phase shifting experiments within
>Man or Astro-man?.  (Perhaps you may recall Dr. Deleto's Invisible
>Vaportron)  These experiments coupled with the more recent forays into
>Astro-Cloning Technology, have made tracing the virtual structure of Man or
>Astro-man? and its individual components a bit of a tricky task.  Perhaps
>one of the more profound events in structure modification has been the
>recent experiment in simultaneous dual elemental phase shiftng.  A
>relatively unknown astro-man, by the name of Blazar the Probe Handler, has
>been exactly 180 degrees out of phase since the time of the crash on earth.
>Beyond our visual realm, Blazar was free to spend the last 5 years involved
>solely with phase research. Recently he completed construction of the
>Agiplex Multi-phase Modifier  PS-26-2.  For the first time, it became
>possible to invoke a substantial phase shift in Astro-structure.  With
>overall results being indeterminable, use of the device was highly
>controversial.  But with a slight twitch in his eye, and a firm grip on the
>probe, Blazar threw the switch and tossed Man or Astro-man one more step
>into the future...the results, only now becoming evident.
>It seems, after close examination, that Blazar, in fact succeded in
>shifting himself exactly 180 degrees in phase..making him now a visible
>component of Man or Astro-man.
>But other effects, due to the subtle relationship of phase between all
>astro-men are also readily observable.  One of these effects is the
>displacement of three other astro-men, either in or out of current visible
>phase. It seems that at the time of the "Blazar Phase Occurrence" several
>other astro-men were shifted in various degrees.  At the moment Blazar
>burst onto the visual spectrum, it seems that Star Crunch and Dexter X
>weresuddenly shifted to some degree out of the visual realm.
>Exactly how much of a phase shift was induced into these two astro-men is
>still yet to be determined, although some theoretical figures have been
>estimated.  It seems likely that Star Crunch, due to his internal structure
>and unique nucleotide configuration, undertook a phase shift within the
>range of 162.3 and 212.7 degrees.  This is still quite a range, due to the
>uncertainty principle as applied to making experimental measurements on out
>of phase components.
>Dexter X, theoretically has undertaken a phase shift of perhaps 178 - 188
>degrees, a much more determinable amount, yet still an estimate.
>In addition to these displacements was yet another.  Trace Reading, until
>recently has always existed about 32.3 degrees out of phase. This close
>existence was evident by periodic semi-encounters with T. Reading.  At the
>time of the shift, T. Reading was displaced by 31 degrees, leaving him
>still 1.3 degrees out of phase, but enough to bring him into full visual
>context.  This approximate position will tend to lead to occasional
>destructive interference, but this will hopefully be negligable.
>The largest oversight in the whole "Blazar Phase Occurrence" was the
>irreversible characteristic of the project.  Now that Blazar has shifted
>himself (along with coupled others) by 180 degrees, he is now out of phase
>from the actual device that is needed to accomplish a phase shift.  The
>fact that he constructed the device himself compounds the problem by the
>fact that even if there were astro-men in the same phase as the device,
>there are no operating instructions available to them. Hence there is no
>way the device can be operated, leaving only the option of Blazar
>constructing another device here in this phase.  Seeing as how the initial
>project took over 5 years to design and build, it looks like the current
>state of things will  become the status quo.
>So now we must welcome these new members to our visible phase, and wish
>Star Crunch and Dexter X the best of luck wherever they may turn up.  So
>now...on to the future...one step closer to  the "Next Phase"

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.. end astro-transmission [X-HJIKE27.W4]