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The Electronic Edition

a fully self-indulgent and all-inclusive autobiographical collage of works and artifacts offered as evidence of the life of:

Michael Kimbu-Mu-Wamba Kepler

Michael Anthony Kepler (legal name)
Michael Strangelove (transitional)
Jamis Would (early writings)
James Milton Wood (at birth)
Mookie Keebler
numerous irrelevant variations on the above and more

Original edition was commissioned by Chongo and Tron in 1987. It was a very limited edition of three copies, each bound in twelve volumes and encased as a "boxed set" in boxes covered in purple fur with a zipper closure, and decorated with "wiggly eyes". This electronic edition will fill-out over time, but will probably never be as all-inclusive as the original. This edition will, however, take advantage of the electronic media and feature content and methods of presentation not possible in the original edition, as well as new layout, editing and commentary.

All material © 1987 and 1997 by Michael Anthony Kepler, except for items listed as artifacts, components of some collages and as otherwise noted.

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Copyright © 1997 Michael Anthony Kepler