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A Little Piece of the Pie
Today's topic: Where the money goes...Case study: Irving Plaza
By: The Brannock Device
Occasionally people come to a Man or Astroman? show and remark to me that we "must be making the big bucks these days" or something of the sort. Well, that's not totally true. We're really happy with the way things are turning out, and know that we are very fortunate in our dealings with this business, but sometimes things can be decieving to those on the outside. People don't realize that just because 300 people paid six bucks apiece ($1800) to get in- Man or Astroman? members don't walk out with $450 each.
Just when you think that the hard parts are done, the little bits of B.S. are behind you, and that the rest is smooth sailing, reality slaps you in the face with a 2x4.
Let's look at the figures for the largest amount of money ever pulled in by MoA? for a single show where they were the headliners. MoA? recently played a show in New York City with The Dirty Three and The Hentchmen. It looked like MoA? was going to play to a good crowd (advance sales were over 300 people, and that number usually about doubles with walk-up day of show people) for a good price ($10 - High in some places, but according to everybody at the show, ten bucks is a cheap thursday night show at a place the size of Irving Plaza in NYC). You would think that the guys in the band would be getting a good chunk of that cash. you'd be wrong. I wouldn't be exaggerating when i tell you that the members of Man or Astroman? left the show with less than 2% each of the box office reciepts- LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!
Here are the numbers, with comments referenced in parentheses.
SOURCE....................................... NUMBER......PRICE.........TOTAL
TICKETMASTER ADVANCE....179..............10.................1790.00
TICKETMASTER DAY OF............29..............10....................290.00
IRV PLAZA ADVANCE.............159..............10..................1590.00
IRV PLAZA DAY OF SHOW........41..............10.....................410.00
NIGHT OF SHOW.........................319..............10..................3190.00
GRAND TOTAL IN....................................................................7270.00
MAN OR ASTROMAN?...........................................................1000.00
THE DIRTY THREE....................................................................300.00 (*see coco's end note #1)
THE HENTCHMEN......................................................................100.00
ADVERTISING: .......................................................................1751.09 (breakdown for advertising below)
..... VILLAGE VOICE.............................585.54 (1)
..... NY PRESS .......................................188.60 (2)
..... AQUARIAN .....................................108.29
..... TIME OUT.........................................189.70
..... ISLAND EAR......................................30.12
..... FLYERS.............................................100.21
..... FLYER DISTRIBUTION..................112.50
..... MISC.....................................................15.00
..... COLOR NEGATIVE ..........................121.13 (3)
SOUND & LIGHT.....................................................................500.00 (4)
STAGEHANDS/LOADERS.....................................................575.00 (5)
PRODUCTION MANAGER......................................................300.00 (6)
SECURITY............................................................................... 854.13 (7)
TICKET FEES...........................................................................122.40
BOX OFFICE (DOS).................................................................150.00 (8)
ASCAP/BMI.............................................................................150.00 (9)
INSURANCE.............................................................................626.34 (10) (breakdown for insurance below)
..... 727 PEOPLE AT $.42 A HEAD..... 305.34
..... PLUS 1 EVENT CHARGE OF..........$321.00
CATERING...............................................................................300.75 (breakdown for catering below)
..... MISC........................................................18.75
..... MEALS 13 MEALS AT $10..........130.00 (11)
..... BACKSTAGE BEVERAGES..............152.00 (12)
TELEPHONE/FAX..................................................................100.00 (13)
TOTAL MONEY OUT...................................................................$7595.16
MAN OR ASTROMAN? MONEY IN...............................................+$1000.00
BILLIONS CORPORATION................150.00 (14)
BRANNOCK DEVICE..............................30.00 (15)
THE LOUNGE LIZARD............................50.00 (16)
GAS TO SHOW........................................64.00
TOTAL ASTRO MONEY OUT..........................................................-$294.00
TOTAL PROFIT FOR MAN OR ASTROMAN?...............................$704.00 (*see coco's note#1)
Hey, $704 isn't insignificant- there's a lot of bands out there that never make that much on a show.
The remaining $704 gets split 5 ways, one share for each band member, and the remaining share goes into the band fund and gets quickly gobbled up by van maintenance, long distance phone calls, and other miscellaneous tidbits, such as this website.
*Coco's Note #1: actually, we ended up paying the Dirty Three another $150.00 (hey c'mon, they came all the way from Australia, and what a show)
So, after everyone takes there thumbs out of the pie, each member of Man or Astroman? has $140.80 to pay for their own individual expenses like guitar strings, drumsticks, and whatever else. The rest is what they make as a wage for the job they chose. That's not a bad chunk of change, no one's trying to sell you on that. The point is that THE GUYS IN THE BAND MADE THE LEAST AMOUNT OF MONEY ON THE SHOW!!!!! Go up the list and find a smaller amount. You can't.
Yes, this show is on the extreme end of the spectrum, but as MoA? get more fans and have to play bigger places, things quickly swing this direction. Like many people have pointed out before me, the bands aren't the ones getting rich off rock and roll.
thanks for reading, The Brannock Device.
Here are the numbered explanations:
- (1) This was a 1/3 page coulmn type of ad, but it wasn't for Man or Astroman?- it was for Irving Plaza! They had a beautiful 4 color ad telling the readers of what was happening at IP for the next two weeks! IP might have charged this much to every band that played there for those two weeks and pocketed the extra thirteen payments for all we know.
- (2) In fact, a bunch of these were the "what's happening this week" ads for multiple shows. Methinks that the bands are being double billed, and IP is pocketing the extra money, but I can't prove anything with just the photocopies of reciepts that IP gives us. I don't imagine getting much co-operation on this one.
- (3) I'm guessing that this is the charge to separate the Village Voice ad. That's about what a small four-color film separation costs, So I would guess that this falls into the same deal as comment (1)
- (4) Three guys. One front of house, one monitor guy, one light guy.
- (5) These were the SAME THREE GUYS that we already paid to do sound and lights, and one more helper!!! assuming the straggler got paid the $75 (more than either of the two moa? roadies get) that means that the other three split $1000. I doubt it. I bet IP charged us and didn't pay anybody, but once again it's just an allegation unless i can get the reciepts.
- (6) This is the guy who makes the deal with our booking agent to bring us to the venue. This is more than twice what anybody in the band made on the show, and MoA? are the guys that live this stuff day in and day out.
- (7) I'm not gonna go off in a big "security guys are boneheads" deal here. Actually MoA? has been quite lucky and had to deal with realitvly few security boneheads (cough, cough, *MAMA*cough*KINS* cough) , and a lot of security guys at clubs have been quite nice. Bimbo's in San Francisco comes to mind as nice, cool, easy-going security guys. 9:30 in DC, too. This footnote, however, is just to point out another anecdote. A booking agent has told us that it's not uncommon for a club to have it's own seperate company for security that they don't acknowledge as being themselves- ie a club shows us a reciept and cancelled check for say, $500 to say, ACME SECURITY BONEHEADS, and that money comes out of the door money. What they don't tell you is that THEY ARE ACME SECURITY BONEHEADS and they paid the money to themselves, and then paid the three bouncers $100 each, and pocketed the rest. I can't tell you how much this happens, I can only pass on the story. Once again, I don't know where this money really went in this situation, I can just guess.
- (8) Apparently MoA? pays the girl who sold the 41 tickets the day of the show. Why? we don't know. $150 seems kinda steep to me. I could handle that job, sit in a booth reading a magazine and sell one ticket every 12 minutes.
- (9) Don't have a clue what this means, but our booking agent says its legit.
- (10) Why are we paying for the insurance? If anyone is gonna get hurt at the show, it is most likely gonna be because of [a] a slip and fall on some structural fault of the club's, [b] getting roughed up by a security guy hired by the club, or [c] doing something stupid because they're drunk on drinks that the club served! so why doesn't the club pay this out of the profit from the thousands of $4.75 drinks that they sold? Why is MoA? Responsible? "Because" & "That's just the way it is" are the most popular answers i got.
- (11) Meals for the six astro guys, the four dirty guys, and the three hentch guys.
- (12) This one is a zinger. They charged us BAR PRICES for three cases of rolling rock, one for each band. Thanks a lot, you bastards.
- (13) I never got a clear explanation on this one either. Apparently, we supposedly had access to a phone and fax for the day to help us conduct business. Hmmm... we were never offered it, we didn't use it, but we still pay for it. I wouldn't have guessed that we had access to a phone judging from the big pain in the ass I got when I asked a girl in the office for one simple photocopy. And for less then $100, I could have called a friend in Seattle when we arrived- laid the phone down, let him listen to soundcheck, people filing in for the show, all THREE bands, load out, and then picked up the phone to say "bye" before hanging up.
- (14) The Billions Corporation is our Booking agent. They get 15% of they money we take in for shows. This may seem like a rip-off, but this is a great deal for Man or Astroman? They have been booking MoA? for years and have always come thru in a pinch, and also presented Moa? with a lot of gigs that we could not otherwise get. They go to bat for us on a regular basis and usually deliver to a degree that we couldn't possibly do ourselves. visit their website thru our links page.
- (15) That's me. I do 90% of the driving, I repair broken equipment, I run the TV's, I take care of and sell the merchandise, I load in a good bit of the gear. all this for $30 a day plus 10% of the merch booty. That's a great deal for Moa? and I love my gig. No, your band can't have the same rate. Other bands I tour with pay me more.
- (16) He's the main equipment guy, and the band's projectionist. He busts a lot of ass, and this is a paltry sum for the work done. I think he's in it for the free beer.
*Coco' note #2 (and final note)
It is also interesting to note that the following night we played in Philly, at a club that had a capacity of about 200 (tops) called Silk City...there was no security, advertising, double billing, bar prices, blah, blah, and Man or Astro-man? actually made more money per member than in NYC (and in front of one fourth the people). When these venues get larger, the expenses go up almost exponentialy...which makes you wonder if it is worth it to ever bother with these bigger shows....
Also...some ask why you just dont refuse to pay for all of these ridiculous things that the venue charges you..and can't argue with them when they withhold it from would be another story if you actually paid it out to them, but they just take it out of your money before you get paid (or negotiate the contract).
Man or Astro-man will continue to play and prefer the smaller more D.I.Y. type venues, but a few of these type shows are bound to come up...We still enjoy playing regardless of all this, and hope those of you that came to the above show had a good time too!
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